Author: elijah

Peer Review for Pod 2

Learning Pod: #2

Peers’ Name: Alyssa, Amelie, Caitlin, Sujean, Sarah

Interactive Learning Resource Topic:  Developing healthy strategies helps us feel connected, supported, and valued.

Identify components of the Interactive Learning Resource that might be missing (e.g., appropriate outcomes, alignment, interactivity, inclusivity, technology use and rationale, presentation, grammar, spelling, citations, etc.)

First Impression: This interactive learning resource is definitely concluding the whole topic’s main ideas.

Assessment: This group generally shows how the benefits of developing and applying a growth mindset concerning school performance and real-life challenges from many aspects. They divide the whole course into several lessons which is better for audience to understand. But I cannot find an assessment for a whole course.

Interactivity: The interactivity of this interactive learning source is well explained. They have discussed about non-English learners and those who have hearing problems.

Citation: Reference lists are all doing good with APA forms. Audiences could read and search them easily.

Outcomes: Outcomes are too long to read. Maybe a overview of the whole course is better.

Provide a summary of The Interactive Learning Resource’s strengths and weaknesses. Draw out specific examples from your peers’ work to justify your feedback.


  1. Many different types of technology that is used throughout each lesson and they all fit together really well.
  2. The way you include Universal design for learning in order to support ELL students and students that are hard of hearing.
  3. This assignment have variouse learning methods, such as zoom,padlet and Youtube.


  1. The outcomes and other parts are too long. Those parts should be easy to read.
  2. There is no picture or video in this interactive learning source, which means it’s not attractive for audiences.

Provide general, specific, and practical recommendations to your peers on how to improve their Interactive Learning Resource.

I suggest designing a final assessment procedure to give students a feedback. In addition, you need to find an appropriate way to balance those disabled children with ordinary students. Overall, I was impressed by your group’s interactive learning resources. It looks very appealing and well thought out. I think it has the potential to be a very useful tool for many viewers, given the other considerations I outlined in my comments above. Well done.

Interaction in Learning

8 Most Common Customer Interactions (and How to Handle Them)

Media and technology are somewhat ambiguous when categorizing them interactively, as teachers and learners can often choose how to actually use the media, which will influence how learners interact and give feedback. Placed in a single medium. Thus, the design quality of the interactive experience is again as important as the choice of medium to enable the activity, although a poor choice of technology can reduce the level of activity and/or interaction quality. In practice, teachers and learners may use a combination of media and technology to ensure high-quality interactions. However, the use of multiple different media may increase costs and workload for both teachers and learners.

Computer technology can greatly facilitate the interaction between learners and learning resources. Self-administered online tests can provide students with feedback on their understanding or coverage of a subject area. Such tests can also provide feedback to teachers on subject areas where students have difficulty, and can also be used to grade how well students understand. Using standard testing software built into the learning management system, students can be automatically assessed and graded based on their understanding of course material. Thus, computer-managed learner interactions are particularly beneficial for developing understanding and comprehension of concepts and procedures.

The way feedback is presented may influence how it is received, meaning that sometimes even the most well-meaning feedback can come up in the wrong way and reduce learner motivation. When learners feel too closely monitored: If learners feel that they are too closely monitored, they may become nervous or self-conscious and thus disengage from learning. When learners interpret feedback as an attempt to control them: Learners may sometimes interpret feedback as an attempt to control them or tell them how they should do something, rather than directing how to improve. When learners feel uncomfortable feelings of competition: Feedback shared in a group setting may make learners feel that they must compete with their peers. This may be another source of disengagement in learning. When students have access to this information, they develop their awareness of learning and are more likely to identify errors and ultimately develop strategies to address their weaknesses.

Both short-term and long-term memory store information in chunks, but the former is limited. One of the easiest ways to ensure that learners store information in long-term memory is to pair concepts with meaningful images. Visual effects help students understand the content and direct their attention, increasing the likelihood that learners will remember the material. Visuals are faster and stronger than text. They help users engage with content, and this emotional response affects information retention. This is because visual memories are encoded in the medial temporal lobe of the brain, where emotions are processed. The brain is set up in a way that makes it easy to associate visual stimuli with emotional responses, and together the two form memories. Negative visual portrayals are particularly useful for leaving a strong emotional impression. It is important to note that graphics can also have a negative effect on learning if used incorrectly. When off-topic graphics appear on the screen, such as those used for purely decorative purposes, the learner subconsciously tries to find out what the image is about and why.

Interaction Integration Company Strategy Concept Stock Photo - Alamy

Blog 3

Inclusive Design of Study

How to practice inclusive design in your daily workflow (6 tips for  designers) | Dribbble Design Blog
Inclusive and Diversity

We define inclusive design as one that considers human diversity in terms of ability, language, culture, gender, age, and other forms of human difference.

We emphasize three dimensions of inclusive design: 1. Recognition of diversity and uniqueness. Inclusive design keeps in mind the diversity and uniqueness of each individual. As individuals spread out from the assumed average, the needs of outliers or marginal individuals become increasingly diverse. 2. Inclusive processes and tools. To support diverse participation and tie design to the application as closely as possible, design and development tools should be as accessible and usable as possible. And a broader beneficial impact. Inclusive designers have a responsibility to understand the context and wider impacts of any design and to strive to have beneficial impacts beyond the intended beneficiaries of the design. Inclusive design should trigger a virtuous cycle of inclusion.

I will adjust my planned learning activities in several ways to meet the needs of the learners if an unexpected event occurs. We can provide choice to maintain students’ engagement: Allow students to choose an activity. For guided exercises, they could decide whether to answer questions independently and receive feedback, play a game, role-play, or practice in a group. To demonstrate their understanding of the concept, they can decide whether to make a poster or build a model, write a paper, produce a video or podcast, or give a presentation. Making choices allows them to relate to the content in ways that stimulate their interest.

Universal learning design makes instruction student-centered by creating more welcoming, flexible classroom environments and curricula that are more accessible to all students. Flexible teaching should make students more personally responsible for their learning: teachers do not expect all students to learn in one way, but students set their own goals for how they will learn the required material.

Lever handles for opening doors rather than twisting knobs is an example of universal design. A newer technology in the realm of doorknobs (though it has been around for hundreds of years in its own right), leverage has been increasingly integrated into modern interior design in recent years. They have also become commonplace on exterior doors such as terraces and front doors. Door handles are available in a variety of designs and finishes. Lever handles can overcome the shortcomings of doorknobs when it comes to user strength and dexterity. You probably remember at least one instance where you managed to open one with your elbow (most likely for holding shopping), but that in itself is a good testament to their convenience.

Inclusive Design and Accessibility | by Josephine Miller | Prototypr

Blog 2

Importance of Experiential Learning

Home | Experience Based Learning Systems, LLC

Experiential learning is a philosophy and methodology in which educators purposefully engage students in direct experiences and focused reflection to increase knowledge, develop skills, and articulate values. Experiential learning is also known as learning by action, learning by doing, learning by experience, and learning by discovery and exploration.

In this way of learning, experience is fundamental. The learner becomes the center of learning. They no longer passively receive knowledge from teachers, classes, and textbooks, but voluntarily participate in the experience. And in the experience of feeling, observation, reflection, summary, and the “obtained” applied to the new life, learning situation. So experiential learning is a combination of action and thought. As the connotation of experiential learning, action and thinking are unified and cannot be treated separately. They cannot be said to come first and then consider the result. It is important to emphasize that the two cannot be treated separately, because they are mutually explanatory and interrelated.

The learning process of experiential learning is full of uncertainty, because the “experience” is new for people, the people in the experience are brand new, and the things that happen in the experience are also brand new. So the ultimate learning process and outcome are also unpredictable. Experiential education has reformed traditional didactic methods. It emphasizes the generation of experience and the enrichment of emotion. It is the teacher according to the predetermined educational objectives and content, scientific and effective to create a kind of “immersive” experience atmosphere. This enables students to realize “self-education” and “self-improvement” through “experience” actively and independently under the influence of this environmental atmosphere.

The experiential is according with my topic and my learning design method. Today’s students are advanced and they need more materials and resources to learn and understand the real world. Experiential learning takes data and concepts and uses them in practical tasks to produce practical results. If students use this information to interact and learn, it provides an authentic experience that helps them grasp it more easily and remember it for a long time. In this fast-moving world, problems can occur at any time, but with technical personnel, we can provide multiple solutions to each problem. Experiential learning enables students to engage with the creative part of their brain and use their creative solutions to solve problems. This problem-solving and innovative approach to learning produces a variety of positive outcomes that enrich the overall success of students and bring them overall success.

Experiential Education | Glendon

Blog 1

Why we insist studying?

Study is hard

Most of us have struggled in one way or another in school – whether it’s learning a whole subject, a concept, or a particular class we take. Whatever happened, we’ve all been there. Maybe you’re struggling there right now. In most cases, we struggle with school because many of us need to learn correctly. Highlighting is some of the most ineffective learning strategies when reading and rereading course material. However, they’re still the most widely used. So why do students and other scholars continue to study in this way?

There is a primary reason for this: students need to realize how ineffective their current learning methods are and know what methods are effective or even how to use them. The most ineffective learning strategies tend to require the least effort, and they can produce mixed results. Often, we use these learning techniques because they are “good enough” and help us retain information for short periods but easily forget it for long periods. It can be daunting to throw yourself into study and effort. However, it’s important that you get serious about the information you want to learn.

Learning is a very boring thing with no positive feedback in a short period.
Sometimes can give us the motivation to continue to learn is and this thing can bring us positive feedback. And always learning is a personal thing, not a group of people. For example, when we learn to play the piano, after practicing for a period, we do not know how to play it. Only after playing with others can we know whether our practice has achieved any results. And we also need a lot of time to practice this thing, and it may be one year, two years or even ten years. In the process, we are easy to give up learning.

I think curiosity and interest are what learning needs because interest is the best teacher. Only when we are interested in one thing will we stick to it. We can take the satisfaction of interest as our goal rather than saying that we must learn to what extent. If today can satisfy curiosity, that is enough. Isn’t it the same as earning money by studying today? It’s just for a different purpose. One is to make money, and the other is to satisfy curiosity.

It is difficult for a person to find something and stick to it for whole life, but I believe that you can find the answer one day by taking your time and not giving up. I hope everyone can find their motivation to learn and continue to adhere to this goal. When one day efforts become a habit, there will be no purpose.

52,128 Study Time Photos - Free & Royalty-Free Stock Photos from Dreamstime

Introduce Myself

Hi everyone, NICE TO MEET YOU!

Hi everyone, this is Wei and I would like you guys to call me Elijah. I come from Wuhan, which is located in the center of China. There are lots of delicious foods in Wuhan which I hope you guys could taste them in the future. This is the third year I study in the Uvic, and I really like to share my learning experience to you. my major is economic and I enjoyed the course of EDCI. I hope we all can have a fun experience in this course. It is a lucky thing to see you in this course. Let’s study hard and have fun!

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