Month: October 2022

Blog 3

Inclusive Design of Study

How to practice inclusive design in your daily workflow (6 tips for  designers) | Dribbble Design Blog
Inclusive and Diversity

We define inclusive design as one that considers human diversity in terms of ability, language, culture, gender, age, and other forms of human difference.

We emphasize three dimensions of inclusive design: 1. Recognition of diversity and uniqueness. Inclusive design keeps in mind the diversity and uniqueness of each individual. As individuals spread out from the assumed average, the needs of outliers or marginal individuals become increasingly diverse. 2. Inclusive processes and tools. To support diverse participation and tie design to the application as closely as possible, design and development tools should be as accessible and usable as possible. And a broader beneficial impact. Inclusive designers have a responsibility to understand the context and wider impacts of any design and to strive to have beneficial impacts beyond the intended beneficiaries of the design. Inclusive design should trigger a virtuous cycle of inclusion.

I will adjust my planned learning activities in several ways to meet the needs of the learners if an unexpected event occurs. We can provide choice to maintain students’ engagement: Allow students to choose an activity. For guided exercises, they could decide whether to answer questions independently and receive feedback, play a game, role-play, or practice in a group. To demonstrate their understanding of the concept, they can decide whether to make a poster or build a model, write a paper, produce a video or podcast, or give a presentation. Making choices allows them to relate to the content in ways that stimulate their interest.

Universal learning design makes instruction student-centered by creating more welcoming, flexible classroom environments and curricula that are more accessible to all students. Flexible teaching should make students more personally responsible for their learning: teachers do not expect all students to learn in one way, but students set their own goals for how they will learn the required material.

Lever handles for opening doors rather than twisting knobs is an example of universal design. A newer technology in the realm of doorknobs (though it has been around for hundreds of years in its own right), leverage has been increasingly integrated into modern interior design in recent years. They have also become commonplace on exterior doors such as terraces and front doors. Door handles are available in a variety of designs and finishes. Lever handles can overcome the shortcomings of doorknobs when it comes to user strength and dexterity. You probably remember at least one instance where you managed to open one with your elbow (most likely for holding shopping), but that in itself is a good testament to their convenience.

Inclusive Design and Accessibility | by Josephine Miller | Prototypr

Blog 2

Importance of Experiential Learning

Home | Experience Based Learning Systems, LLC

Experiential learning is a philosophy and methodology in which educators purposefully engage students in direct experiences and focused reflection to increase knowledge, develop skills, and articulate values. Experiential learning is also known as learning by action, learning by doing, learning by experience, and learning by discovery and exploration.

In this way of learning, experience is fundamental. The learner becomes the center of learning. They no longer passively receive knowledge from teachers, classes, and textbooks, but voluntarily participate in the experience. And in the experience of feeling, observation, reflection, summary, and the “obtained” applied to the new life, learning situation. So experiential learning is a combination of action and thought. As the connotation of experiential learning, action and thinking are unified and cannot be treated separately. They cannot be said to come first and then consider the result. It is important to emphasize that the two cannot be treated separately, because they are mutually explanatory and interrelated.

The learning process of experiential learning is full of uncertainty, because the “experience” is new for people, the people in the experience are brand new, and the things that happen in the experience are also brand new. So the ultimate learning process and outcome are also unpredictable. Experiential education has reformed traditional didactic methods. It emphasizes the generation of experience and the enrichment of emotion. It is the teacher according to the predetermined educational objectives and content, scientific and effective to create a kind of “immersive” experience atmosphere. This enables students to realize “self-education” and “self-improvement” through “experience” actively and independently under the influence of this environmental atmosphere.

The experiential is according with my topic and my learning design method. Today’s students are advanced and they need more materials and resources to learn and understand the real world. Experiential learning takes data and concepts and uses them in practical tasks to produce practical results. If students use this information to interact and learn, it provides an authentic experience that helps them grasp it more easily and remember it for a long time. In this fast-moving world, problems can occur at any time, but with technical personnel, we can provide multiple solutions to each problem. Experiential learning enables students to engage with the creative part of their brain and use their creative solutions to solve problems. This problem-solving and innovative approach to learning produces a variety of positive outcomes that enrich the overall success of students and bring them overall success.

Experiential Education | Glendon

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